Tuesday, September 14, 2010

a little too acclimated...

The funny thing about living in a different culture is the effort to become acclimated. One always seems to be trying to "fit in," and worrying about whether everyone else knows you're a "foreigner." But is there a point at which you become a little too acclimated?

Last week a friend of mine visited, and we spent some time catching up and seeing a few sites. One mode of transportation here is ferry boat. We had limited time, and half the fun of this city is being on the ferry. So I suggested we get on the ferry and instead of getting off at the last stop, stay on and make the whole thing a round-trip, getting off at our original location. 

It seemed simple enough.

So the ferry arrives at its destination (before it would turn back and bring us home) and as it happens some man comes around and starts kicking stragglers off the ferry. No big deal, we could get off and get on again after paying the $1 it costs to ride. But instead, I start yelling at the guy (ok, so maybe not quite yelling, but talking loudly anyway) about how we got on the wrong boat and we need to go back to the other side. He keeps saying we have to get off and I keep saying that we need to stay. Finally we give in and get on a different ferry.

On the surface I suppose this isn't really a big deal. So I told a little white lie. The thing is, I've always been a bit of a "goody-two-shoes." Not so much that other people felt judged (I hope), but I never lie. Let me put it this way -- I was the kid who asked her dad for a spanking because she had lied about turning off the bathroom lights while her sister was using the toilet. (I felt much better after the spanking.)
And there we have it. I lied. The worst part is, it mostly bothered me because my friend was with me and saw it happen!  Oh dear. 

But how is this being "too acclimated," you say? Well, I think maybe all my classmates cheating and such is making me just a little too OK with dishonesty. On the upside, now that I've realized it hopefully I can do something about it before it gets out of hand! 

Forgive me?


  1. haha, i knew this story would make it to the blog.

  2. I totally don't remember the bathroom light story... :-) KGS
