Thursday, September 2, 2010

drum roll please....

It's true, I passed!

Seeing as I found out a couple of months ago, it seems a bit anti-climactic at this point. Buuuttt....still exciting.

I happened to find out at Niagara Falls. My friend B and I had just arrived when I received a phone call that our results were posted. Our exam results get posted on a bulletin board, exposed for the whole world to see. Since most of the class disperses after finals, those who remain in the city typically take photos of the posted grades and email the whole class. I was waiting to receive such an email.

So B and I arrive at Niagara, excited about seeing the falls and also about my potential passing (or failing) grade. My parents (who were keeping an eye on my email) call just as we arrive, and through much static and bad reception they read off the grade listed next to what they *think* is my ID number.

"No Mom, that's not my ID number!!"
     "But these are the only grades listed...."
"Mom, check again, my ID number is ______"
      "I don't see that number listed anywhere...."
"Are you sure??"
We hang up and I start freaking out. The school lost my exam. There is no other explanation for my student ID number not being listed! Now remember, this is the university that would not accept typed lab reports, they had to be hand written. As you can imagine, that also means that speaking with them on the phone about a missing exam was probably not going to cut it.

Thankfully, God gave us brains. As my mom had listed off the ID numbers over the phone, I realized that it wasn't just my number that was missing. The numbers immediately surrounding my number were also missing. Thanks to Facebook, my mom got in touch with one of the girls who I knew had an ID number close to mine. As it happened, this friend's grade was also missing. She went to the student office and asked what was going on, and it turned out that the office had simply forgotten to post the last page of scores.

So yes, I did pass, and I found out at Niagara Falls. Never a dull moment around here!

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