Friday, January 15, 2010

on motivation

It's interesting what motivates us. For me, I always seem to be the most motivated when I'm in "prove them wrong" mode. When someone tells me I can't do something I kick into gear and decide I better "prove them wrong."

This has proved handy in the past. Six months ago when a friend told me I lacked "motivation and drive" in life I decided it was time to show who was motivated and who was un-motivated. I did just that, got my butt in gear and did my absolute best.

The trouble is, this type of motivation has its limits. You can't forever go on steam that comes from proving people wrong! Not only is it exhausting in and of itself, it can also eventually turn into bitterness.

Currently I'm at the transition point -- I no longer need to prove myself to that friend, but I do need new motivation. You'd think that medical students would be motivated for the sake of the medicine....I wonder if that really is true? Am I the only one who needs outside motivation? Maybe that is the sign of a good doctor -- being passionate about the science of medicine itself. Or maybe that's just the sign of a geek? Can you be a doctor and not be motivated about the medicine itself?

The point is, when you're feeling unmotivated, how do you bring yourself to become motivated?

Just full of questions today I guess...


  1. The sign above my desk says "There is no shame in being a damn good doctor. So do what it takes-- no matter how nerdy!"

    That, and friendly competition within my class, and passing the plaque for the Coakley Excellence in Dissection Prize every day, and knowing that I will need to understand all these things in order to be a good doctor one day... all these things combine with my strange love for the subjects into motivation for me.

  2. thanks for that quote! love it. and I've taken to bringing notes and pulling them out of my purse at "down times." Also, I think I learned the Autonomic Nervous System mostly while on buses. :-)
